The following is a work of fiction.
Not Nick Nolte's Diary, Malibu, CaliforniaJune 15, 2005
From the observation tower I could see shadows from the clouds racing over the hills. There was a stiff wind this morning. It's funny how wind--as in a breeze--and wind--as in to charge a watch--rarely get confused with each other. You'd think it would happen more often. Anyway, I call it the observation tower but it's really the guest bathroom. It's where Manolo infamously saw the paraglider taking photos of the house. We never did catch that guy. Sometimes I think about getting a private eye's license and asking some questions. Then I usually take lunch and forget about it. I got a strange letter from the guild this morning. It appears someone is changing the billing on 48 Hrs. Time to give James Remar his hush money again. He prefers crisp bills. Do not we all, Diary?
![[signed] Nick](/images/signature.gif)