The following is a work of fiction.
Not Nick Nolte's Diary, Malibu, CaliforniaMay 14, 2005
They say green is the hardest color to photograph for the motion pictures. Manolo has worked some wonders lately with his new flourescent-lit growing room for the wheatgrass. For a month or so he worked like a Mary Shelley hero in the spare room, cursing in Spanish and doing some below-code electrical work. I do know the DWP tab doubled and I got slightly concerned when I saw Manolo taking notes from a dog-eared issue of High Times. Who is this B. Real character? I didn't look forward to dropping the dime on my man-at-hand but sometimes it comes to that. I came into focus when I saw the verdant grasses he had growing in his room: three different breeds. Yes, his cooking has fallen off as a result, but I've been more and more about keeping all foods below 105 degrees. Watch the Omega-3's skyrocket, Diary.
![[signed] Nick](/images/signature.gif)